See the powerpoint here with details about the process/protocol of your PROJECT! Remember that this is a MAJOR grade and is due by END OF BUSINESS on Tuesday, March 22nd. Every day late will be penalized 10% until Friday but then the quarter is OVER and I will have to assign a grade of 0. Don't be that person.... :) suerte!

E2 PROYECTO vamos de compras.pptx (544542)

In this section you will find powerpoints, videos, worksheets and other materials to help you practice and hopefully master the skills in Spanish 2! We know it's hard, we are here to help! ~ SraP


Rolesville High School
1099 East Young Street,
Rolesville, NC 27571
919 554 6303

remind.com signup
Level IVH students: text message "@ramspan" to tel 81010
Level II students: text message "@ramsp2" to tel 81010